Limited Offer

Our Free Cybersecurity Risk & Network Assessment Will Give You
The Answers You Want, The Certainty You Need

For a limited time, we are offering a Cybersecurity Risk & Network Assessment. This is entirely free and without obligation.

You Don't Know What You Don't Know: Just like your doctor must have test and lab results in order to make a diagnosis and treatment plan for a patient, you need to have a third-party Cybersecurity Risk & Network Assessment to non-invasively test your IT infrastructure, identify potential security risks, and expose vulnerabilities.

If you are currently outsourcing your IT service, it is recommended that this assessment is done CONFIDENTIALLY as a way to check their work. If you have an in-house IT Department, or technician, we may identify areas that could use extra support, resulting in a happier, more efficient department.

Bottom line, there is no obligation, and we are not asking you to leave your current provider or asking you to fire your IT staff.

It's So Easy: The non-partial cybersecurity tool used to conduct the assessment can be launched virtually and will only take 15-30 minutes and your employees do not have to stop working while it runs. It really is painless to perform.

Report of Findings: Within 48 hours following the assessment we will schedule an in-person meeting at your office. In this meeting we will review the Report of Findings from your company's assessment, and you will be told ways to mitigate any vulnerabilities, should they be found. The time investment is minimal: Just 15-30 minutes for the initial meeting (So I can know more about your company and for you to decide when you want to launch the assessment tool). The second meeting is for one hour and this is when we provide the Report Of Findings. These insights into your current IT and security posture are vital to deciding on what steps you should take next.

Additionally, When this Risk Assessment is complete, you will know:

  • IF your and your employees’ login credentials are being sold on the Dark Web (I can practically guarantee one or more are… THIS will shock you). We are able to run a report on YOUR company and see what credentials are actively being sold on the Dark Web and potentially used by the most notorious cybercrime rings around the world. Who wouldn't want to know this and fix it?!
  • IF your IT systems and data are truly secured from hackers, cybercriminals, viruses, worms and even sabotage by rogue employees. If you’re not getting weekly security updates from your current IT person, your systems probably aren’t secure. You should also know that antivirus software and most firewalls are grossly inadequate against the sophisticated attacks now happening.
  • IF your current backup would allow you to be back up and running again fast if ransomware locked all your files. In 99% of the computer networks that we’ve reviewed over the years, the owners were shocked to learn the backup they had would NOT survive a ransomware attack. Ransomware is designed to infect your backups as well, leaving you defenseless. There are only a handful of backup systems that will prevent this from happening.
  • Whether your employees truly know how to spot a phishing e-mail. We will actually put them to the test. We’ve never seen a company pass 100%. Never.
  • If your IT systems, backups, policies and procedures are in sync with compliance requirements for your specific industry.

If we DO find problems…overlooked security loopholes, inadequate backups, credentials that have been compromised, out-of-date firewall and antivirus software and (often) active malware…on one or more of the PCs in your office, we will propose an Action Plan to remediate the situation that you can have us implement for you if you choose. Again, I want to stress that EVERYTHING WE DISCUSS AND DISCOVER WILL BE STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL.

Please Do NOT Just Shrug This Off
(What To Do Now)

I know you are extremely busy and there is enormous temptation to worry about this “later” or dismiss it altogether. That is, undoubtedly, the easy choice…but the easy choice is rarely the RIGHT choice.  Make the right choice and be brilliantly prepared when an attack happens, and you will experience only a minor inconvenience at most. But if you wait and do NOTHING, I can practically guarantee that an attack on your business will be far more costly, disruptive and devastating.

You’ve spent a lifetime working hard to get where you are today. Don't risk being a victim and certainly don’t “hope” your IT guy has you covered. Get the facts and be certain you are protected.

Dedicated to serving you,

René Miller
Direct: 985-871-0333

Complete This Form To Claim Your Cyber Security Risk Assessment

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Here Are Just A Few Other CEOs We’ve Helped:

Less Stress, Competitive Pricing, Great Relationship

The single greatest benefit to our company since having Ener Systems become our sole IT firm is less stress and being able to focus on our day-to-day business. Having a working relationship with Rene Miller is also a great benefit.

Ener Systems also has competitive pricing for the value of services provided, which stands out from other IT firms.

If someone is on the fence about choosing an outsourced IT company, I would ask them to contact Ener System’s references and describe their current experience.

Chris Howell President, Covington, LA

Great Service that Saves Time and Money

We had a full time IT employee for our small company. It was hard to find a full-time position for them, and we went through several because we could not keep them busy. Now we have someone whenever we need them without the extra full-time employee. This is our first outsourced IT company; however, we have never had a single problem. We make a great team.

Stephanie K. Howell Vice President, Certified Finance & Insurance, Madisonville, LA

You ALWAYS provide us with excellent service.

I want you to know how much I appreciate all your help with our many issues. You are very skillful in the way you handle me and all my "special" situations. In addition, you ALWAYS provide us with excellent service.

Greg Klemp General Manager
Covington, LA

I certainly have no qualms about recommending them...

Ener Systems is Very Sensitive to the Fact that We Don't Have the Big Bucks to Spend on IT; They Bend Over Backwards to Make Something Work without a Huge Outlay of Cash. René, my contact at Ener Systems, always knows what's going on with my network and does a lot of the maintenance and support in the background so we aren't interrupted. Sometimes I just cannot believe how on top of things they are! I remember calling or sending René an e-mail on a Saturday night and he responded to me immediately. I don't even remember what the issue was but he was on it – I mean he was right there! If I decide that I need to reset my server, he's on the phone with me telling me my server is down! It's all done remotely and that's very convenient for us. If there's something that goes wrong, I call and explain what the problem is and he has it fixed either by phone remotely or sends a technician in to take care of it and in a very timely fashion. I certainly have no qualms about recommending them.

Dianne Boan Kenner, LA

Always looking out for my best interest...

WOW! That is all I can say about René and the team at Ener Systems. It's so nice to know that my entire network is handled so I can focus on my business. I've worked with a number of other computer consultants in the past and no one can touch their level of service or expertise. Ener Systems does things differently. Instead of simply resolving the issue at hand with a temporary fix, they give me options that will enhance functionality. Ener Systems is always looking out for my best interest. I have the peace of mind knowing I have someone to call who will get us back up and running ASAP if something goes down. You almost can't put a price on it. I trust Ener Systems and have a personal relationship with the owner. That's important to me because it gives me confidence that I can completely trust her.

Lynne Hefti Marrero, LA